Delivering Comprehensive Enrollment Support through Expanded Services

The Hidden Friction That’s Costing You Enrollment

Bob Stewart
September 10, 2024
5 mins

Over the past few weeks, I've had numerous conversations with higher education professionals, and a recurring theme has emerged: schools are losing prospective students because of friction in their enrollment funnel. Whether it's a slow website, poorly designed request for information (RFI) forms, limited visit options, or applications that seem designed to deter completion, these obstacles are costing institutions dearly. In today's competitive market, schools cannot afford to let these issues go unaddressed.

The Problem with Slow Websites

A common issue I keep seeing as I audit a school’s website is that it’s simply too slow. In an era where students expect instant access to information, a sluggish website can be a deal-breaker. Prospective students are likely to abandon their search if pages take too long to load, leading to significant drop-offs in inquiries and applications. It's not just about the content on the website; it's about how quickly and efficiently that content can be accessed.

Tactical Solutions

  • Conduct Regular Speed Audits: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to evaluate your website’s speed regularly. These audits will help identify slow-loading elements, such as large image files or inefficient code.
  • Leverage a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN can improve load times, especially for students accessing your site from various geographic locations, reducing latency.
  • Optimize Website Assets: Compress images, minimize JavaScript and CSS, and use lazy loading to ensure media loads only when needed, improving speed.
  • Prioritize Mobile Performance: Many prospective students will visit your site on mobile. A fast and mobile-optimized website can significantly decrease bounce rates.

Poorly Designed RFI Forms

Another issue that has come up repeatedly is the design of Request for Information (RFI) forms. These forms are often the first point of contact between a prospective student and the institution, and they need to be extremely accessible, simple, and user-friendly. Unfortunately, many schools have overly complex forms that ask for too much information upfront, leading to high abandonment rates. For instance, there’s no reason to ask for a student’s birthday on the RFI form—don’t ask for it. If students feel overwhelmed or frustrated by an RFI form, they’re unlikely to proceed further in the application process.

Tactical Solutions

  • Shorten the Form: Limit RFI forms to essential fields like name, email, and area of interest. Additional details can be gathered later in the process.
  • Use Smart Form Fields: Incorporate dynamic fields that autofill or adapt based on previous responses, reducing unnecessary input.
  • A/B Test Form Designs: Continuously test and refine your RFI forms to find the design and length that maximize completions.
  • Mobile-Optimized Forms: Ensure the form is easy to complete on mobile devices, with large input fields and minimal scrolling.

Limited and Inconvenient Visit Options

Campus visits play a crucial role in a student's decision-making process. However, many schools offer limited visit options or fail to promote them effectively. Some institutions offer only a narrow range of visit times or don't provide virtual tour options, which are increasingly important in a post-pandemic world. If students can’t easily visit or explore a campus, they’re less likely to apply.

Tactical Solutions

  • Expand Visit Availability: Offer a wider range of in-person visit options, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate different schedules.
  • Offer Virtual Tour Options: Provide high-quality virtual tours that are easily accessible from your website. Consider offering live virtual tours guided by students or staff to create a more engaging experience.
  • Personalized Visit Experiences: Allow prospective students to customize their visit itinerary, focusing on areas of academic or extracurricular interest to make the experience more relevant to them.
  • Promote Visit Days: Use targeted marketing (emails, social media, and ads) to ensure prospective students know about upcoming visit days or open houses.

Applications That Deter Completion

The application process itself can be a significant source of friction. Many schools have applications filled with unnecessary steps or requirements that deter students from completing them. Lengthy essays, redundant information fields, or unclear instructions can discourage even the most interested students from finishing their applications.

Tactical Solutions

  • Simplify the Application Process: Remove non-essential fields and redundant steps. Use existing data, such as pre-loaded information for students who have already filled out RFIs.
  • Implement Save and Resume Features: Allow students to save their progress and return to complete the application later, reducing the pressure of completing it all in one session.
  • Clear Instructions and Tooltips: Provide clear, step-by-step guidance through the application process. Include tooltips or FAQs to help students with complex questions.
  • Automated Assistance: Use chatbots or live chat features to assist students in real-time as they navigate the application, helping resolve issues quickly.

The Consequences of Friction

The consequences of these friction points are clear: fewer inquiries, fewer campus visits, fewer completed applications, and ultimately, fewer enrollments. In a market where every student counts, schools must take a hard look at their enrollment processes and identify where friction is causing them to lose out.


The good news is that these issues can be addressed. By focusing on creating a faster, more user-friendly website, simplifying RFI forms, offering more flexible visit options, and streamlining the application process, schools can significantly reduce friction and improve their enrollment outcomes. As competition for students intensifies, those institutions that prioritize the student experience and eliminate unnecessary roadblocks will be the ones that thrive.

If you're concerned about friction in your enrollment funnel and want to explore solutions that can help, let’s connect. Together, we can ensure your institution provides a smooth and welcoming path from inquiry to enrollment.

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