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Rize Education: 2022 Year in Review

Rize Education
January 20, 2023
5 mins

2022 was a year of incredible growth for the Rize team and for our partners.

After setting the foundation in 2020 and 2021, the Rize team was able to build world-class programs and drive measurable impact for our partners. Moving forward, we’re looking to build even more momentum and continue delivering solutions for members of the LCMC and beyond.

Here’s a lens into the progress we made this past year:

Growth: Programs and Students

In 2022, we noted exponential growth both in the total number of Rize programs at our partner schools as well as course registrations within those programs.

145 new programs were approved, bringing the total number of LCMC-approved collaborative programs to 375 programs. This represents a 63% YoY increase.

We registered 2,606 students in these programs at 2.5x the rate of previous years.

Compared to 2020, approved programs increased by 4x and student registrations have increased by 10x!

Generating Return-On-Investment

In 2022, we placed a specific emphasis on better measuring and increasing the return on investment Rize partners generate through adopting our approved programs.

By our measurement, Rize partners generated an average of 5-10x ROI in the first enrollment cycle. We estimate that comes out to about $170,000 in revenue per program (as measured during the Fall 2021 enrollment cycle).

We’ll discuss how we’re continuing efforts in this initiative below, but it’s our goal in 2023 to consistently measure results and improve our reporting with current and prospective partners.

Enhancing Student Experience

Above helping partners generate revenue through adding programs, our most notable achievement of 2022 was improving the student experience. 

As we continued to bring new students into the fold, it was important that we made meaningful adjustments and updates to their classroom experience, interaction with teachers and other students, and course curriculum. We surveyed our students and noted their responses, most of which were favorable of their experience:

What’s next for Rize in 2023

Helping our partners generate significant ROI and improve the classroom experience for students continue to be top priorities for us moving forward. Some key initiatives include:

  • We will greatly expand the resources and services that help colleges achieve enrollment results with our programs. “This includes our ‘Growth Accelerator’ service that takes the enrollment marketing burden off of colleges and instead lets Rize handle it for those schools who want the extra help,” says CEO and co-founder Kevin Harrington. These efforts are currently in testing mode, and we look forward to rolling them out to all partners. This also includes reports that summarize enrollment performance and what partners could do to improve their results. These innovations will help colleges and universities have a successful end to the 2023 enrollment cycle.
  • We are investing significantly in improving our core classroom experience. Our full-time instructional design team is reviewing the student data on every course and improving courses based on that feedback.
  • Our engineering team is working to build new and improved student and instructor engagement software to ensure that we are getting students the help they need to be successful in all of their courses.
  • One of the reasons the Rize model is so helpful is that the most important skills for the best jobs are changing rapidly, and student demand for academic programs changes with it. In 2023, we will be conducting a study to determine a list of the the fastest growing programs and assess developing new program options for Rize partners.

We know what small, independent colleges need to compete with larger state schools and institutions with massive endowments. You need to deliver a world-class education in emerging fields that students are excited by.

That’s where Rize comes in, and 2023 is the best time to become a partner. Book a free exploratory call with our team to learn more about the Rize process and product.

Ready to learn more?

Fill out the form below and someone from our Academic Partnerships team will be in touch with you shortly.