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Considering launching a new program at your institution?

Use our ROI calculator tool below to generate your estimated annual partnership margin after leveraging the Rize model for undergraduate programs.

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Please note that each institution should consider its unique student-level costs. This tool is meant to provide a transparent starting point for evaluating the viability and potential return of new programs. See our methodology*.

Ready to discuss pricing?

Fill out the form below and someone from our Academic Partnerships team will be in touch with you shortly.

*Our calculations are only an estimate. For a more detailed estimate tailored to your institution’s specific needs and goals, contact us today. Underlying data and assumptions:

Annual Partnership Margin is based on program economics frameworks and calculates the enrollment revenue from students enrolled in the programs, less the direct partnership + registration costs for those courses. Specifically, $(Average annual revenue per student x Number of Rize programs x Students per program) - (Annual cost of Rize subscriptions) - (Number of Rize programs x Students per program x 2 course registrations per student x $500 per student registration)