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Rize CEO and Adrian College President Announce a New Book

Rize Education
March 24, 2022
7 min read

Introducing The College of the Future: Lowering Costs for Students by Fixing the Business Model of Higher Education, written by co-authors Kevin Harrington and Dr. Jeffrey R. Docking. 

Our CEO Kevin Harrington, in partnership with Dr. Jeffrey R. Docking, president of Adrian College, crossed paths by chance and instantly connected through their shared belief and unwavering commitment to improving the private college experience. 

The solution they found is the result of their combined efforts to enhance the liberal arts tradition with collaborative new fields of study. 

What are some of the key takeaways from the book? Keep reading to learn more about our collective vision for the future of higher education. 

1. Change is Inevitable But Collaboration is Key

Private higher education institutions haven’t evolved to keep pace with the world. The highly sought-after jobs and careers of today are the results of continuous innovation. The means by which we’re working toward progress and improvement is ignited by technology and the development of new fields of study. Private colleges need to create a better, hybrid educational experience that offers the most in-demand majors and minors to help students reach and accomplish their career goals post-graduation. The approach to fixing the broken model lies in us working together to solve the issues that are detrimental to the current model.

College leaders throughout the country have been practicing the successful higher education model that has served students for over 200 years. Unfortunately, the business model supporting these venerable institutions is now broken. Key leaders invested in and determined to fix the education model need to work together in growing, prospering, and enhancing the student experience like never before.

2. The Need for Blended Programs

The answer lies in offering online short courses, as well as stackable certificates and programs that can lead to a top degree. Majors, minors, and certificates in Computer Science, Digital Marketing, Web Design, Supply Chain Management are just a few examples of new academic programs students are looking for.

In partnership with the Lower Cost Models for Independent Colleges (LCMC) Consortium, we offer top quality and competitive programs that liberal arts colleges need to offer additionally with the kind of flexibility that students desire across the board. The programs are not only directed at achieving jobs in the tech industry. They also created programs for students wanting to get a degree in human resources, sales, instructional design, web design, graphic design, and dozens of other person-centric and creative areas in mind.

3. Flexibility and Agility  

Communication, collaboration, leadership and critical thinking are basic skills employers are looking for today. These human-centered skills are highly desired and valued by companies in addition to the required knowledge and abilities to perform high-level job duties such as Python programming and email marketing. 

Solely possessing one set of skills over the other on their own is no longer enough to thrive in the tech space. Graduates that offer employers a well-diversified set of skills and experience are considered the best candidates for future success and advancement in those types of industries.

Combination Through Innovation

The solution does not discount the value a core liberal arts experience brings; on the contrary, the new model incorporates a blend of the traditional liberal arts education paired with the advanced technology tools of today. 

Ready to learn more? Click here and be the first to order your copy of The College of the Future: Lowering Costs for Students by Fixing the Business Model of Higher Education.

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